So, here is the first song from the new album "Postcards" due out later in the year. I'm posting it here as I'm after a little help from yourselves in creating the video for the song which I would like to feature as many postcards as possible, for which I'm inviting you all to contribute the postcards.

These don't have to be real postcards you've received in the post — an original drawing or picture you've made yourself will do fine, so long as it's postcard size. You also don't have to post them to me, just send me photographs or scans of the postcard(s) by email that you would like to see in the video.

Please email your photographs or scans to. Don't worry about making them ultra high quality as I'm not going to be using them for printing, 72dpi is fine. You can photograph or scan the front or back of the postcard, or both if you wish. Even a photograph taken on your phone camera is fine. I'll try to get as many as I can into the video.

This is the first of a number of collaborations I have planned for the album, more to follow.

I'll be taking submissions for the video upto the end of February. UPDATE: Still open for submissions!

thank you! x

Oh, and here's the song...