I've written a book of short stories called Postcard Stories to accompany my new album, Postcards, with each story being about a song from the album. It's 90 pages long and there are limited edition print copies available free with the album, or the album is free with the book, whichever you prefer.
The themes range from the fantastical – a magical trail under the stairs offering a glimpse into a future self, the hidden words written on postcards on a wall, a cat who trying to break free from its natural instinct to eat everything that moves – or the real world joy of taking the day off to play in a snow covered landscape. There are a couple of childrens stories in there too and a hidden object connecting several of the stories together.
I found some of them easier to write than others as many of my songs are stories in themselves. It sometimes just took a little longer to extend the story in the song into something that would work for a short story on the page.
Both the CD and the book are now available from the Sugardrum shop.