
Photos from Glastonbury Festival

Jul 4, 2014

Thanks to all those who came to watch us play at Glastonbury Festival. We ended up playing two gigs, one in the early hours of Thursday on the Mandala Stage and the other on Thursday evening on the Toad Hall stage, both in the Greenfields. After the Toad Hall gig I did a short interview for Kingston Green Radio.


A couple of photos from the May Wupadupa Eco Show

Jun 3, 2014

I helped organised another Wupadupa Eco show on 6th May and did a short set at the beginning of it. It was another night of great music with Amrit Sond playing a stunning headline set and support from myself, Storme Watson and Will O’Donoghue. Here's a couple of photos from the night. Big thanks to everyone who came along or listened at home on the radio and for Georgina and Clive for the photos.


New Sugardrum interview on Exposed Vocals

Apr 28, 2014

Exposed vocals recently interviewed me, asking various questions ranging from how I thought of the name Sugardrum, my songwriting inspiration, any future plans and projects and what embarrassing songs I have on my mp3 player...


Choccy Rolls being played on Cofi Radio all this week

Apr 15, 2014

Each week Cofi Radio gather together the best unsigned music and create a show which you can listen to and download. This week they're playing Choccy Rolls from the 3 Penny Postcard EP as part of their unsigned show. Pop over to their site and have a listen and check out some of the other great bands they're playing this week too.


Video and photos from Lost Horizons gig

Feb 28, 2014

What a lovely evening the Lost Horizons gig in Leytonstone was last week. It was so nice playing to a room full of people all listening intently. Big thanks to the Lost Horizons crew for putting on such a beautiful evening.


Some recent house gig photos

Feb 11, 2014

Winter is a perfect time to do house gigs. It's just so nice playing some unplugged songs in a warm cosy room with an appreciative audience and, if you're lucky, some funky lights in the background too.  I've played a few impromptu house gigs recently. Here are some photos from them...


Hauntingly Beautiful - interview with Riff Raf magazine

Jan 5, 2014

Happy New year everyone! A big thank you to popular online music magazine Riff Raf who recently featured Sugardrum in the Indie Spotlight section of their website. The article consists of a brief interview which reveals a little more about the recording and writing process. They also described my song Postcard as "Hauntingly Beautiful" which was very nice of them.


Sugardrum on Earbits radio

Dec 13, 2013

My two most recent EPs, "3 Penny Postcard" and "Where Once Were Roads" have both been approved for playing on Earbits radio. Earbits is a new website set up by musicians for musicians and their listeners to make it easier for people to discover new music. Click on the link below to take a listen.
