I have a new album available of relaxing piano music. It’s called Piano Days and is released under the name Jigsaw Goldrush which is a new side project of mine, somewhere to release music that doesn’t quite fit under the Sugardrum umbrella. Here’s the blurb from the Jigsaw Goldrush website about it…

Piano days is a collection of ten piano pieces I recorded way back in the latter half of 2015. It was originally created as a gift to my wife as relaxation music during the birth of our first child and was subsequently used during the birth of our second.

The pieces are for solo piano, recorded live on my parent’s old upright with the odd overdub on a couple of them.

The album is available on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music etc and via the Jigsaw Goldrush Bandcamp page.

Find out more at the website for this new side project of mine - www.jigsawgoldrush.com