You may have noticed things have been a bit quiet with Sugardrum over the past few months. Since becoming a Dad, a couple of years ago, I’ve been taking a break from performing and recording music in order to spend time with my children. Music has always been something I’ve done as an extra on top of my day job of web design, as it’s never paid enough money to live from, hence it’s had to go on the back burner for a while.

I’m still writing songs and hope to have a new album ready sometime in the future. In the meantime, I’ve reduced the price of the CD versions of my album and 2 EPs to £7 and £2 respectively. The former still comes with a printed paperback book of short stories that I wrote to accompany the album. All of my music is also available on Spotify, Apple Music etc and for free download from the Sugardrum Bandcamp site.

As it’s that time of year again, here’s my EP of Christmas covers for you to listen to / download.

Happy Crimbo!
