
It's all gone quiet

Dec 12, 2018

You may have noticed things have been a bit quiet with Sugardrum over the past few months. Since becoming a Dad, a couple of years ago, I've been taking a break from performing and recording music in order to spend time with my children. More…

Piano Days, music for hypnobirthing

Aug 14, 2018

I have a new album available of relaxing piano music. It's called Piano Days and is released under the name Jigsaw Goldrush which is a new side project of mine, somewhere to release music that doesn't quite fit under the Sugardrum umbrella. More…

End of the Road and other festivals

Jan 9, 2018

Festivals. Last year I didn't apply for any as I had become a Dad the year before. I ended up playing just the one - Tribal Earth down in Sussex, which a friend of mine helps organise and which the family came to. More…

Farewell little car from Motorway Song

Nov 14, 2017

A few years ago I wrote a song called motorway song. It was initially written about a car I used to have, a Fiat Panda. It only had four gears so going anywhere long distance was a noisy experience. You felt like you were travelling at 110mph when in fact you were just doing 50mph. More…

New video - Postcard live and unplugged

Oct 11, 2017

I'm not really one to enter competitions. I think the last time I won something was many years ago whilst working at a bookshop. I did a book display for some law books called Nutshells where we filled the window with loads of old monkey nut shells suspended in celophane. The display got entered into a competition and won first prize, for which I received an mp3 player. More…

Gig update

Oct 5, 2017

I have some new live videos I’ll be adding to the site soon. One is of my song Postcard, the others are from some recent gigs. I don’t have any new gigs booked in the diary though, for reasons explained below. More…

BBC 6music and other unexpected things

Apr 9, 2017

Things have been a bit quiet on the music front in my life recently while I've been busy being a Dad, doing the day job and training to run the London Marathon. I am however, finding more time to work on some of the song ideas I've been writing in the odd moment over the past few months and am excited over the prospect of new songs on the horizon. More…

Short story book, For You I Hide this, now available on Kindle

Nov 12, 2016

The book of short stories I wrote to accompany my album Postcards is now available on the Amazon Kindle store. It's free if you're a Kindle Unlimited member or just £2.45 if you're not. I decided to change the name of the book from the limited edition print version. More…

New Poppies video

Nov 11, 2016

I've just uploaded a new video for my song Poppies that I made earlier in the week. The song features on my current album, Postcards and confused one reviewer who thought it was just about being lonely. More…

Summer festival news

Jul 12, 2016

I meant to write a blog post a couple of months ago about taking a little break from things before becoming a Dad, but I've been too busy to write anything until now. Moving house also added to the extra busyness. I have just found a brief moment of time at 1:54am so here goes. More…

New short story book to go with the Postcards album

Apr 24, 2016

I've written a book of short stories called Postcard Stories to accompany my new album, Postcards, with each story being about a song from the album. It's 90 pages long and there are limited edition print copies available free with the album, or the album is free with the book, whichever you prefer. More…